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Tuesday 29 April 2014


When it comes to training, working out and 'getting fit' everybody has their own ideas and beliefs as to what is the best way to work out and live a healthy lifestyle . 
I have always been an individual that hasn't had a schedule in my life, so it's very hard to work around a fitness routine daily, but it's really not rocket science.

You just need to move often and cut out the crap. 

The one thing that I think people need to look at is

1. Are they happy with themselves?
2. If your not what are you doing about it?

If you are happy with yourself and you can say that honestly, knowing you have a healthy and balanced lifestyle, then great, keep doing what your doing and look for small changes maybe in diet to just up the ante and you will see small changes over time.  p.s. well done!

But  if your not , here's looking at you.

We all make excuses, and it's an ongoing battle mentally and physically when this becomes the normal.
'Its too cold, i'm sore, i'm tired, hungover, not seeing results, blah blah blah.'
Truth is, nobody can help you but yourself.

I do believe that self motivation is extremely hard and I suffer from it as well. I can't get the motivation at all sometimes and I get lazy and eat crap and sit on the couch instead of getting off my lazy ass and doing something about it. Then I feel so drained exhausted and unhappy because my body is hating me so I HAVE to do something about it. 

This isn't a blog about COME ON GET FIT with me, it's almost just a little nudge in the back to have a think about it and maybe have a look into your weekly routines and where you can make some small changes to see massive results. 
Sometimes you are doing something daily in your life that is self sabotaging any hard training or healthy eating that your doing so you will never see any results and all your hard works goes un noticed.

Some HUGE changes that can be made are simple ones like these from your daily diet and life; 

1. Alcohol  - try having red wine or vodka instead of heavy spirits and beer that will just sit in your body overnight storing fat around your body. Try and keep it under 2 . 

2. Don't snack after dinner - Instead of reaching for chips and crackers an hour after dinner, make a big hot tea and have some dark chocolate or some almonds

3. Soft drink - Don't drink it.  If you HAVE to, get the sugar free version but only occasionally. Swap for soda water with a flavouring in it like lemon or berries. Full sugared soft drink is a silent killer and should be banned . Just don't do it. 

4.  Walk - I see a lot of people running (with terrible form mind you, ruining their backs and joints)  . Try walking, along the water somewhere, be with your thoughts and its much better for your muscles and joints and keeps you looking young trust me, my grandparents walk daily and swear by it.

5. Join a class - When I can't motivate myself, I join a group training program. It forces you to get a sweat and it pushes your boundaries which is liberating. Just try it, it can't hurt and you may make a few friend AND get fitter and stronger along the way. Also in groups it works out to be cheap!

6. Don't Diet - Just eat clean and simple and limit deep fried food and anything from a packet. If it's in a packet it has preservatives. Limit these choices, but as we HAVE to have chips and dip sometimes limit this to just on the weekend .  If you do a crash diet or ANY diet for that matter, that means the diet ends and you go back to where you began. Not too smart for long term health and happiness. 

7. Protein - Add protein to your diet. In the form of  a powder in your smoothie, or dessert, have eggs nuts and meats, and you will feel a difference in your energy levels and recovery from your exercise. Most of us don't eat enough protein so don't be afraid of it it.

8. Chlorophyl + Probiotics - Add this tasty green liquid and to your water and it will cleanse, alkalise and detox you from the inside without you even realising it. Mix it with a powdered probiotic for inner gut health, something everyone should be on especially with all the preservatives and crap we put in our bodies daily.

All in all it's about moderation.
A diet or a crash course in crazy weight loss only sets someone up to fail as its completely unattainable .
I am ALL for finding a type of exercise you like, that you feel you are good at and sticking to it. That will uplift you and make it more about being happy and active rather than feeling bullied into 'exercising. ' 

Also Eat smart. 
Visit a dietician or nutritionist to look at YOU and your individual body type and find out what works for you and you can plan delicious healthy meals that work for you and that you will stick to .


who doesn't want that?!

It's all abut being the BEST version of yourself that YOU are internally happy with. It's not about being a fitness freak or having the best toned body in the room, it's about making sure you are healthy and smart enough to make choices resulting in a healthy life free of disease and health problems.

You can do it by making small changes so start NOW.  

Write downs some things you would like to change and I am happy to help with some ways you can easily make small changes

email me caseyburgessblog@gmail.com

I try to push myself personally all the time and lately I have been mixing up my heath routine by making a conscious choice to eat well and also eating the bad things I want ( occasionally)  like hot chips but only every couple of weeks. I get my hit then I'm satisfied.
I also am pushing myself quite hard at the moment and waking up at 5:30 daily to train with a group fitness group in the 6weeks to Sexy program, and I am on my second round.

I didn't think i could do it again and yes its HARD, but it makes me feel more alert and happy,  and I love the social side to the group training. It's hard to push yourself but when you do you get such a sense of satisfaction having achieved.  I don't know if I will continue on training like this forever but for now it works, and living in the now and just enjoying each step is what it's about.

-I also do and teach Pilates which I SWEAR by. It has changes my life, my mind and in the long term is the best form of exercise for our spine which is the most important in ageing -  @balmainbodies in Balmain




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